Exploring the world
one molecule at a time.
In the 21st century advances in the health-care, electronics, energy, and security industries will require significant advances in our understanding of nanoscale systems, processes, and technologies. Thus, our research is focused on understanding the quantum transport and energy conversion properties of molecular-scale devices, and leveraging this knowledge for real-world applications. To enable these advances we are working to understand and control the physical and chemical properties of molecular systems down to the atomic level. We seek not only to understand the interplay between the electrical, mechanical, optical and thermal properties of these systems, but also to design and develop unique molecular-scale functions that harness these properties for novel device functions.
Nanobioelectronics is inherently interdisciplinary and requires collaboration between engineers, chemists, physicists, biologists, and medical personnel. As such, in addition to examining fundamental properties, we are also exploring areas where the ability to measure and control a single molecule provides potential advantages over conventional techniques in areas such as chemical and environmental sensing, biological diagnostics, and signal transduction.